South Wishaw Parish Church

Loving God - Loving Each Other

Church Groups & Other Church Users


Pathway is an independent Church which meets in our hall on Sundays from 11.00am-1.30pm.

midThe Guild is a movement which invites and encourages women (and men) to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action. We meet at 1.30-3.30pm weekly on Mondays (Oct-Mar). We host a variety of speakers and tackle projects both at home and abroad. Why not join us! 

creativeThe Creative Crew meets throughout the year from 10am-12pm on Fridays in the Church hall. Although many of the group face various challenges, it is not a requirement to join. The group enjoys arts and crafts and in recent years have made and sold jewellery to raise funds both for their own sustenance as well as for the church. All are welcome.

sharingThe Sharing Circle are an informal group who meet weekly from 1.30-4pm on Thursdays (Oct-May) in the Church hall for fun,  conversation and fellowship. We also organise occasional outings. and on the third Thursday of the month we gather at 12.30pm for lunch. All ages welcome. 

midKingdom Kids is run for children (aged 3yrs -S4 every Sunday at 10.00am) who are encouraged to develop and deepen their relationship with God through prayer, stories and activities. 


Scouts & Guides 

Beavers: 5-7yrs;   Cubs:  7-10/11yrs;   Scouts: 10-14yrs.

Rainbows: 5-7yrs;   Brownies: 7-10yrs;   Guides: 10-14yrs; 

Scottish Charity No. SC010775