Loving God - Loving Each Other
'Each of you should give as you have decided in your heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.' 2 Corinthians 9:7
As a Church we are involved in many activities as we seek to fulfil our commitment to serve God's Kingdom here in Wishaw. We continue to believe that God will ensure that there is ample provision for the work he calls us to do and we have been recipients of many blessings from friends within our community. Thank you to all who give financially to us so that we may continue to do God’s work in Wishaw and beyond.
There are several ways in which you can add your support. We welcome regular payments made by bank standing order. You can also give a one-off gift by bank transfer or through on-line giving, as well as by cheque and cash. When our Church reopens we will also be introducing a card machine which can be used by members and visitors alike.
Please see below for ways you can support us.
You can make a donation to SWPC via the Church of Scotland website's Donate to the Church page. Please remember to click on the icon Donate to a Congregation then enter our details in the search box.
You will find us listed as: Wishaw South - Hamilton. Click here to be redirected.
Please click here to download a Standing Order Form to submit to your bank.
You may also make single gifts by bank transfer. If your gift is for a specific purpose, please indicate the purpose in the reference field. Click here to download a Donation Form and return it to:
Gifts by cheque may be posted to:
Please make your cheque payable to SWPC.
You will also be able to give by cheque, card machine and by cash when we are able to physically meet again on Sundays.
If you are a UK taxpayer and pay income tax or capital gains tax, you can complete a gift aid declaration which will enable us to claim tax back from your giving. For example, for every £10 you give we can claim an extra £2.50 from the UK Government. All you need to do is complete and sign a gift aid declaration.
Please click here to download a Gift Aid Declaration Form and return it to:
Once again we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support for the work we do together in God's service.
Scottish Charity No. SC010775