South Wishaw Parish Church

Loving God - Loving Each Other

Wishaw Community Foodbank


We launched the new Wishaw Community Foodbank (WCF) on Good Friday (2nd April 2021) which seemed like the perfect day to take over this vital ministry within our community. A massive thank you must go to David Shaw and the team from Basics Foodbank (Lanarkshire) for all they have done over the years. David will still be in attendance on the days we are open to administer a voucher scheme on behalf of Basics Lanarkshire. These vouchers will enable people to go to specific shops and choose for themselves items they need.

DONATIONS WCF has taken over the distribution of donated goods for the Wishaw area. Donations can be put in the baskets behind the tills at Tesco, Morrisons and Poundland or you can hand them in to South Wishaw Parish Church, East Academy Street, Tues and Friday mornings 10am-12pm

We have been amazed at the generosity of people who have made financial and practical donations, including the gift of a vehicle with wheelchair access which will enable us to uplift or deliver goods and to offer lifts home where needed to people who have many bags to carry. 

[You can see how our minister, Terry, got on during his virtual West Highland Way walk to raise funds and hear some hilarious stories about his failed first effort on our Youtube channel here.]

We have also had a huge influx of people willing to volunteer alongside the wonderful people who have come to us from Basics to help us with the work.  

JELLY TOTS Carer and Toddlers Group is on Tuesdays from 10am-12pm in the hall for carers with children under 5yrs. It is run as a drop-in, with no booking required. Soft play, story time, refreshments and a chat are all part of this adventure!            

Scottish Charity No. SC010775